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LEVERAGE YOUR SUCCESS & sparK possibility, motivation and momentum.


Liz Hamlet “The Success Spark” is an internationally known Coach, Strategist, Speaker and Podcaster and, of course, Founder of Spark Succeed Coaching & Consulting.


Below are a selection of Liz's podcast guest appearances - click on the podcast image to listen.


If you'd like a fun and informative podcast guest, get in touch via our Contact page - remember to include a link to your podcast.


Download Liz's speaker bio.

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Listen in to the How to Spark Success podcast to steal the success secrets of Global leaders.


Be a fly on the wall to chats with greatness - global leaders and business owners worldwide share their story to success, how they overcome challenges and what's been the biggest factor in their success.


Hosted by Liz Hamlet

Liz speaks at events globally.


As a coach, strategist, speaker and podcaster, she specialises in leadership, success, mindset and taking the leap from employee to entrepreneur.


She hosts the How to Spark Success podcast and co-hosted Lockdown... and THEN what? interactive podcast show.


Contact Liz to discuss an event.



Our work, articles and the "How to Spark Success" podcast have featured in:

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Are you an ORGANISATION looking for WORKSHOPS?


Click here if you're an organisation looking for group sessions for your leaders and employees.​


Read about our full range of corporate services.



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Are you an individual looking for programs?


Click here if you're an individual leader or a business owner looking for coaching.




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