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HELPING YOUR LEADERs LEAD BETTER & LEVERAGE THEIR SUCCESS - sparking possibility, motivation and momentum.



You need leaders who lead purposefully and drive change.  You need leaders who lead for today and innovate for tomorrow.


Give your leaders the best opportunities to lead.


Often when we run our businesses, we are "zoomed in" - very focused on the detail, which can make it difficult to see the wood for the trees.  Think about how beneficial it would be to bring in an outside view to help you to "zoom out" and to take in the bigger picture.


Download our corporate services brochure.


"Liz is a considered, experienced and thoughtful leader who never forgets the people at the core of any change."


Our specialisms:

Strategy, Transformation & Change

✅ Transformation
✅ Change management consulting support
✅ Strategy & programme planning
✅ Mentoring & support
✅ Coaching through change 
✅ Training & development

Leadership development

✅ Personal development & coaching
✅ Career & leadership coaching
✅ Coaching for new & established managers

Some of the corporate clients we already work with:

Virgin Start Up, Fujifilm, MunichRE, General Assembly, University of Birmingham, Mindberry.

Our corporate services brochure provides more detail.


All business consulting and advisory work is personalised to the needs of your organisation.


Book a call or email us (below) to discuss your organisation's needs and to speak to us about a tailored proposal.


In a call, we'll work out your needs, your goals for your team, department and organisation and the best outline for you.


Prices tailored to the needs of your organisation

Are you an ORGANISATION looking for WORKSHOPS?


Click here if you're an organisation looking for group sessions for your leaders and employees.​



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Are you an ORGANISATION looking for coaching?


Click here if you're an organisation looking for coaching for your leaders and teams.

working with

Some of the organisations we work with:

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